Thursday, April 22, 2010

Can we all just slow down a second....

where is the time going? how is it possible that cohen will be 14 weeks old on saturday and connor is going to be five and driving and married before i can catch my breath? please, can't we all just take things a little bit slower now before i get dizzy???

a few things i wanted to note tonight about sweet cohen: he's just got to be the best baby around right now. he is a great sleeper and eater. loves to smile at his brother. or mother. or anybody. he has the cutest patch of little hair on his back just above one of the cutest bottoms i know i've ever seen. he also has cute hair growing off the sides of his cute little ears. and his ears ARE little. so are his feet. but his legs are plump. plumpy is what we like to call him. and he is just the sweetest, mild-mannered, even-tempered baby. what a precious boy. what a miracle. i changed his diaper and laid him down tonight at 9pm. he didn't even squeak. just drifted off to dream a little before waking up to be fed again around 10:45pm. now he should sleep for several hours (fingers crossed on that hope.) but who can lay a 3 month old baby down...just lay him on down in his bed and wrap him in his little blankey...and he doesn't do anything but smile at you and close his eyes? he's amazing. just amazing.

and his also very amazing, amazing, amazing. we were at cpo today picking out birthday cards for his daddy. he wanted to go look at all the veggie tales stuff. i just stood back and watched him. he just looked and looked. he picked up this puzzle, or that book. or he would stand with his hands clasped in front of him while he took it all in. he never asked me for one thing. he really, truly enjoyed just looking. and i really, truly stopped for those few moments and enjoyed just looking at him. he was beautiful to watch with his blonde hair and his sweet face. i could have cried tears of pride over standing in the bookstore watching my son. i want to hang on to that mental picture of him forever. when i went upstairs to nurse cohen just a little while ago, i went in to kiss connor in his bed. he was sound asleep under 2 giant stuffed dogs (oscar and booge), a fish named rachel, larry the cucumber, boo boo bear and of course, brown dog and bear-bear. i had to literally dig him out just to kiss his face! it was wonderful. he is so wonderful.

tomorrow lane will be 38 years old. connor, cohen and i all have cards for him to open, and then we have a special day of things planned for him on saturday. i'm so thankful the Lord made him and gave him to me. i can really see how he consciously makes an effort everyday to be the very best daddy or husband he knows how to be. it is something to watch your husband love his children to pieces. and it is amazing how he loves me. or that he loves me! somedays, you know, i'm not the easiest nut to crack. happy birthday, my beloved. you are adored more than you will ever know by the 3 others to whom you gave your name. and 2 of them also got your DNA. lucky fellas.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Random Thoughts...

Nutella is my newfound food love. How have I lived 35 years without this wonderfully chocolatey heavenly hazelnuty spread??? I now put it on everything! Bread, english muffins, wrapped in those little cresent rolls you bake in the oven (that is my favorite.) It's also good on english muffins w/ a little freshly sliced strawberries (or strawberry preserves, if fresh ones aren't readily available.) I am actually getting ready to visit the Nutella website for other delicious ideas.

Also, it has dawned on me recently that living with 3 men is going to be a big, stinky, dirty, glorious mess.