Monday, June 15, 2009

My perspective is best when I'm kneeling.

this past week we have enjoyed the company of our family from texas and hawaii. it has been a busy but wonderful time! we've been to silver dollar city twice, seen the movie 'up,' eaten lots of great stuff, played with some puppies, and made some great memories. connor loves his cousins so much. he spent every night last week over at mimi & grandad's house in the bunkroom with rachel, emma and joseph. he loved the special time with his hawaii cousins, too. he calls logan 'ziggy', micah 'peanut', amber 'amber joy', and kobi 'baby kobi'. i love his nicknames for everyone! he's such a funny little guy. and always so happy! i am so thankful GOD gave him to lane and me. what a miracle he is.

speaking of connor, saturday night was a scary night for us...he spiked a fever and was very sick so we ended up in urgent care trying to figure out what was wrong. our poor little man had his finger pricked, blood drawn from his arm, a chest x-ray, his throat swabbed, his ears washed out, a urinalysis, and to finish the evening off, a big antibiotic shot in his leg. the doctors never could determine what made him sick other than a suspect bacterial infection that they couldn't pinpoint. his fever is better now, although still present, but he is much more himself than he had been saturday night. i have never been so thankful to bring him home and tuck him into bed with us. the experience affected me profoundly. i keep thinking about parents in hospitals all over the world with their sick kids that they can't just take home and tuck into bed. when your child is sick, all you want to do is fix it. make them well again. and right away. to not be able to 'fix' an illness for your child would be devastating. i am so thankful GOD allowed us the blessing of a healthy child. that fear saturday night brought me to my knees and reminded me that my hope always needs to be in HIM. i was reminded that 'His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways.' He knows the bigger picture. He even loves connor more than i do and that is impossible for me to grasp. i've had really good conversations with Him about this. i love that He is always listening.